Khan Academy

Welcome to this “STEM knowledge” part, where we will accompany you on your journey to learn more about STEM subjects playfully!

Here, we want to introduce you to Khan Academy App.

The Khan Academy App provides free, quality educational content for learners of all ages. The app covers subjects such as math, science, computer programming, history, economics, and more.

It offers comprehensive video lessons, practice exercises, quizzes, and interactive activities to facilitate learning and skill development.

The Khan Academy App offers personalized learning paths, allowing you to set goals, track progress, and receive recommendations based on your individual needs and interests. It also supports offline access, enabling learners to download content and study without an internet connection.

The app’s instructional materials are created by a team of experts and educators, ensuring accuracy, clarity, and relevance. It follows a self-paced learning approach, empowering you to learn at your speed and revisit concepts as needed.

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Expand your knowledge now by downloading this app!